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Friday, 21 January 2022

Phonics Phase 3 oo

Watch the video. Click HERE to learn about the OO sound.
Now, click HERE to watch this video.

Now listen to the story with the OO words. Click HERE


Now, read the words



Let's draw animals

Choose your favourite animal, follow the steps and learn to draw!

Monday, 3 January 2022



Look and learn.

Some animals are wild and some animals are domestic.

A cat is a domestic animal.                                         A lion is a wild animal

Animals have a habitat.

Some animals live on land and some animals live in the water.

A giraffe lives on land.                         A dolphin lives in the water.

Sing the habitat song. Click HERE

Animals move in different ways.

Fish, sharks and dolphins can swim.

Birds, bats and butterflies can fly.

Snakes and snails can slither.

Lions, tigers, giraffes, pigs and sheep can walk.

Monkeys and cats can climb.

Kangaroos, rabbits and frogs can jump.

Horses, lions and tigers can run.

Animals have babies.

Listen to the song 'Animals have babies.' Click HERE

A piglet is a baby pig.

A lamb is a baby sheep.

A duckling is a baby duck.

A foal is a baby horse.

A calf is a baby cow.

A puppy is a baby dog.

A chick is a baby hen.

A kitten is a baby cat.